Thursday, January 21, 2010


Days 19, 20, and 21: I have run everyday. The writing part is proving to be more challenging. I am doing everything I can to stay positive and not let the current upheaval of life weigh me down. Today, was just a whopper. The last three days have been very hectic. Jacob and I are trying to get a handle on our work schedules and juggling life and children. Last year it happened like this as well. As soon as business started to get scary, all this other shit hit the fan. It is like every aspect of my life is in some sort of disarray or having some sort of issue. A neighbor's tree knocked power out to the coffee shop and we lost more than half a days sales, and at a very critical time. The Historic Resource Commission decided today they need to make sure we are in compliance with our awning, and oh, by the way, we need to apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness for our "OPEN" sign. The Tax man figures he ought to take a look at my other business as well, just to make sure everything is all clear there too. He said it as if it would be somehow beneficial to me. And now I have to get all those records in order. I accidentally overpaid someone who no longer works for me and have to try and recover the money. My eldest son's school appears to be doing nothing in terms of teaching and he appears to be doing nothing in terms of working and we have to have a conference about that. Jacob and I are trying to clean up the mess of allowing someone else to have some control in our business and catching shit for not doing something sooner. I have a pile of laundry bigger than my car that needs to be folded and no one willing to help me fold them (ahem, children...) I have hardly had time to go out for runs, but I have made myself. I have run in the dark now for the first time and then in the dark, in the rain. Before this project started, I would see people running in the dark and think they were crazy, especially if they were women (because of the whole safety angle). But it's actually quite peaceful. There is less activity in the neighborhood, cars and people and there is a stillness, animals and other creatures put to bed, it is almost serene. I couldn't see very well towards the end of my run today, but it didn't really bother me. In fact, over the last three days, running is the only thing that I feel like I have control over. When I go out and run, it is just me and my feet and the road. There is nothing else. My legs are feeling really strong and I can keep up a great pace for 4 to 5 miles. Yesterday and today, I only did the 5k and tomorrow I will do 3 miles, just to store up some energy for the race on Saturday. I have a person I want to beat on Saturday, so I am hoping for a strong run. It is at least something I might be able to accomplish this week. Wah, wah... I know, enough. Enough whining. Time for a really hot shower and a beer!

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