Thursday, February 18, 2010

If your feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired...

Day 48: I slept most of the day. I felt horrible, my head was so clogged and my nose red and sore from blowing. I really thought today would be the day that I wouldn't run. It made me cry. But then I took another nap, took some tylenol, suited up and went out. It was slow...and perhaps pathetic looking. I ran for 32 minutes exactly. Three miles. And I was soooo happy when it was over. Then I ate some food and went back to bed. I'm sort of surprised that I went. I could have taken the excuse of being sick, but it just seemed so lame, I haven't even made it 60 days yet. There are really a lot of days in the year. I can hope that these winter days are the hardest, but I am sure there will be other days coming up that will be equally, if not more, difficult. Today was an exceptionally difficult day to talk myself into going out. I certainly hope it doesn't lengthen the amount of time that I am sick, although how would I know the difference?

Day 49: I just want to stop being sick!!!! I woke up this morning, feeling alright. But as the day wore on, I got more and more exhausted. I came home from work and immediately got on my running gear. I knew if I sat down, I would not get back up. My joints were sore and achy. I felt like rubber. My head was pounding and I felt like crying, but at least the sun was shining. It was almost 38 degrees out. I ran 2.5 really slow miles and then stood in the sun for a few minutes. The sun on my skin was deeply satisfying. It reminded me how nice summer is, how wonderful it is to feel hot and bronze from the sun. I need Vitamin D... the natural way. Then I could kick this frickin cold. I walked the last 1/2 mile back to my house and even saw some crocuses just beginning to peak out of the ground. I know spring is coming... I just wish it would hurry... Every other day that I have run while being sick, I feel pretty decent directly after running and then start to fade as the evening wears on. Today, though, is the opposite. I felt pretty haggard after the run, but now, I'm feeling alright, tired, but alright...hope certainly does spring eternal

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