Friday, May 14, 2010

New routes and new running buddies

Day 131: I'm enjoying just making up new routes as I run. I don't have a pedometer, so I am mostly running for time and then try to go back and check my miles. Today I ran for 48 minutes. I think it was about five miles. I just tried to run on streets I don't normally run on, which I could do about 1/2 the time. It's nice just to do new things.

Day 132: I ran with my friend Eloise today, which was nice. She runs an average of 2.25 miles at a time, so we just did the neighborhood 5k. It was the perfect temperature for running and fun to run with someone new. We went out early in the morning, which is really the best way to do it.

Day 133: We went to a show last night and were out late, so I didn't get up early to run... which was a mistake. It made my afternoon really hectic and I was frustrated about trying to fit in my run. It's days like these that make me want to throw in the towel. It was hot and muggy when I got done with work; I had to go to a soccer game way out in BFE... so I should have gotten up early anyway. But, I got out and did only the neighborhood 5k, which I am trying to run more than. It was a decent run in that I kept a good pace, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I might have otherwise.

Day 134: So, I didn't make the same mistake twice. I got up and went out early with Melissa. We ran about 4.5 miles (again, it was more about time... we ran for almost 48 minutes). We did this downtown run that I have done one other time and it was really fun. She is going to plan on running with me on both Thursday and Friday mornings, which may be just the encouragement I need to make sure to get out early. Those two days are the hardest in the week to get out on a run if I don't do it in the AM. So, having an external motivator should be just what I need!

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