Monday, January 25, 2010


Day 25: I was a little more tired today and slow. Everyone around me is getting sick, whether it's a stomach bug or a hefty cold, I've been around some serious germ action. So, I listened to my body and took it slow. I ran 3.5 miles in 33 minutes. It didn't feel as strong; I didn't feel as strong. But I was out; I was present. Now, I wish I could throw the covers up over my head and make it all go away. But, I can't. And so, tomorrow... I'll get up, go to work, smile at people and try to be pleasant. And then I'll go running. I would like to do my favorite five mile route that always makes me feel stationary, in control. Because I know it... like the back of my hand... and even in winter, when it's just bare branches and gray and musty and dank... I know it. I feel it. It's winter. It's a long, long, hard winter. And so, I run.

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