Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Day 6: Well today was a mental challenge. I don't think I have ever run 6 days in a row, except maybe when we lived in NYC and I had nothing better to do... but I don't think so....
I had planned on running right after work, but a school "snow day" (for no visible reason, seeing as there was the lightest dusting of snow on the ground that looked no different from the dusting on the ground yesterday and the day before....)put a slight wrench in my plans. When I got home my younger son was the only one here and he was waiting on a friend to pick him up. Well the friend must've forgotten or was running late or something... time was getting away. While he was waiting he threw his big 'ole head back and hit it right on the corner of the coffee table. WHAM! And he really does have a pretty good sized melon... he oughtta be more careful about throwing it around. So he had this quail egg sized lump and his head was bleeding. I wasn't really comfortable leaving him until he seemed steady and the bleeding stopped. By the time I got out, I was drowsy and unmotivated. I ran for 38 minutes; 4 miles. It was perhaps the ugliest four miles. The entire time I had to continually push myself and encourage myself not to stop. My heavy lunch (note for the future... don't eat beef stew before running)was like a lead brick in my stomach and my feet felt like useless heavy appendages. But even having one follower on my blog helped push me to run and to run the whole way. I didn't want to feel like I was giving up. I would've have liked it better if the run wasn't such drudgery, especially following such great days, but I guess I just have to accept that it will happen. I also realized my legs are tired partially because I have not been stretching enough. I made sure to stretch thoroughly after the run today and remind myself that tomorrow will probably be better. I hope it will be better, but if not... I'm going anyway.

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