Friday, January 29, 2010

Tomorrow is another day

Day 29: Today was another day, thankfully. Asheville has an impending snowstorm. So in regular reactionary fashion, schools closed before one flake had fallen from the sky. I left work early because not a thing was happening there. I decided to get out on my run before the deluge began. It was a good run. I ran my five mile pace in the opposite, more hilly, direction. I felt good and strong and my legs were raring to go. It was really needed after yesterday. I didn't want to give words to it yesterday, but I was really feeling like my decision to do this was stupid. I've given myself something else to feel like I have to do. I was having a hard time seeing the wisdom in this yesterday. Today, however, I decided to be more optimistic. Everything will be o.k.! Even if this snowstorm kills our business over a weekend... we'll figure it out. It'll all be fine. So, a new day definitely does dawn. And, now I am going to get more inclement weather to run outside so I can feel tough. Yeah, it's gonna be great!

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