Sunday, July 18, 2010

almost to day 200!!!

I have been struggling a little with the running everyday. When I travel, or go on vacation, I am less inclined to want to run. Fortunately, if I go with Jacob, he just down right refuses to let me give up, which is good.

I ran in Eastern North Carolina, and no matter how early you got up, if the sun was out, it was HOT!! It makes for slower running and a lot more sweating, but.... I still got in four miles both days that I was at the lake house.

Then Charleston, S.C. was there to point out how hot things could get. Running in Charleston was like running wearing a wet wool blanket. The only reprieve was that there was an ocean breeze and it's not like Asheville's air quality when it's that hot out, so my lungs didn't feel burned at the end, but I could hardly drink enough water throughout the day to recover the amounts lost while running (and I went out by 8:30!)

Then, back home again! It's been pretty hot here, but in comparison to the further east parts of the country, it is tolerable. I still am having difficulty running over five miles, especially if I don't get out early enough. I got new running shoes and socks (thanks to Jacob who went and got them for me!) and so my feet and legs are feeling good. After traveling in the car and sleeping on foreign beds, my hips are a little sore, but they recover pretty quickly. I'm hoping to get someone to run a long 8 to 9 mile run with me soon. I think that in the early fall (when the weather is more tolerable) I will have to recommit myself to lengthier runs on a regular basis... although the time issue is still something to consider. At this point, I can run up to five miles and stretch before and after and have spent slightly less than an hour, which is really about as much as I have to give at this point. But today is day 199, and I did my favorite N. Asheville five mile route. It was pretty out, not too hot, yet... and tomorrow is 200!

Maybe the half year hump is passing.... here's to hope!

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