Thursday, April 15, 2010

Oh, yeah...

Day 104: I got this wickedly large splinter of treated wood in the bottom of my foot from my front porch and Jacob had to cut my foot and pull it out... it was awful. So, when I went running today, I had to concentrate on my foot hitting in such a way as not to hit my irritated wound. It made for an interesting four miles. My legs weren't feeling great but they weren't as bad as the day before. I am really feeling slow these days. I think I am running closer to 9.5 minute miles instead of moving closer to 9 and under. It's interesting... I'm still hoping this slump ends soon.

Day 105: I got out early this morning. It was a beautiful spring morning. Birds chirping, flowers budding, pollen everywhere... although it bothers me a lot less than it bothers others. My legs didn't hurt and I had a nice four mile run. I realized while I was running that I finally got my multi-vitamin and have been taking it for five days now, and that may have some effect on my legs and muscles and overall energy for running. Duh, right? Well, anyway I hope it has a positive effect, at the very least, morning runs seem to be a better way to go. So, I'll try again tomorrow.

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